Best Types of Content Marketing to Generate Leads

Digital marketing trends
4 min readApr 18, 2020

The reason lead generation and qualification are important is the same reason that content marketing has attracted so much attention over the past few years: providing useful, valuable information to your prospects is an extremely effective way to both establish credibility as a brand and build invaluable trust between you and your audience.

1. Ebooks

Ebooks are a popular type of product used to generate leads, inform customers and prospects, and gain credibility in your industry. But they can take time to become a reality, so be sure to choose a subject that will support the prospect of going from downloading your ebook to having a productive conversation with a sales team member. Ebooks provide an opportunity to deliver relevant content that is easily digestible but more comprehensive than a blog post.

2. Automated emails

When it comes to generation, automated emails do a lot of heavy lifting, particularly if you’re implementing a marketing automation system. According to Act-On and Gleanster’s research, it is so effective that 71% of B2B businesses use email marketing for the acquisition of customers and 68% use it for the retention of customers. Even though it doesn’t take long to sign up for an email newsletter, it’s at least a small indicator that someone is interested in your brand and your content. It’s also a smart way to build your opportunities, and it’s an easy way to connect directly with your audience.

3. How-to Guides

A how-to guide is brilliant downloadable content, which can help your agency address the needs of your potential client. How-tos are some of the web’s most popular content and enable your agency to provide valuable advice in a convenient reference format.

If this is not gathered by now, then the design is relevant. It also refers to how-to guides. How-to guides are meant to be concise and to the point, easy to follow, and visually punctuated.

4. Case Studies

Case studies approach buyers at the bottom of the buying cycle — these potential customers are ready to make a decision and are doing their utmost diligence to decide whether to go with your agency or a rival. Including testimonials on your website to draw customers is great but also providing a free case study to generate leads that focus on a specific customer and what you have helped them achieve. Good case studies include specific cases, metric-supported results, and client testimonials.

5. SlideShares

As a LinkedIn platform, SlideShare lets you access and share presentations easily with your network. We started using SlideShare as a way to host our presentations created for other purposes, but we expanded our use of SlideShare after seeing the success of others using the platform to introduce themselves to new audiences.

6. Landing pages

When you think about it, the entire website is a giant piece of content that helps to engage and educate the audience through photos, videos, and copies. Although it might seem a little repetitive, there are a few ways a landing page can act as a lead generation tool. The most obvious way to do this is to build a landing page that hosts your gated content forms. While the food is an e-book, the landing page is a screen that displays it. Make your gated content landing pages easy to read and navigate, and make your call-to-action easy to find. A pricing page or a “Ask Us” page is another way to use landing pages as a lead generation method.

7. Blog posts

Blogs are usually the first thing that comes to mind when advertisers think about content. They are also generally the first thing marketers are suspicious about when the main goal is to lead generation. Skepsis is real. I don’t think any B2B marketer has taken the lead on the basis of a blog post alone. Blogs can, however, be considered the cornerstone of the entire content marketing cycle. Here’s why: Blog posts give your brand more chances to appear in search engine results than when you’ve only published service pages, case studies, and gated content. By targeting keywords and answering questions that are important to your audience, your content may be listed in the search results.

For More check: 6 Types Of Contents Helps To Boost Lead Generation & Conversion On Your Landing Page



Digital marketing trends

CRAB is a full-service Digital Marketing Agency in Kochi that helps brands and businesses establish a convincing online presence.