Digital marketing trends
4 min readJan 7, 2020

If a photo is worth a thousand words, how much more is the video worth? This is the cornerstone of digital marketing, a forward-looking marketing strategy that incorporates multimedia into your marketing campaigns.

For everything from building customer relationships to promoting your brand, services or products, video marketing can be used. Video marketing can also serve as a way of sharing how-to’s, encouraging consumer testimonials, live streaming activities, and providing viral (entertaining) content.

How Video Marketing Works

Allocate resources: You’ll need to set a video budget–at least decent equipment, good editing software, and a video marketing guru (or, better, team)–as well as time to make it.

Tell your stories: Storytelling was never as important as recording, so get brainstorming: what stories would you like to tell? How are you going to tell them?

Engage: It’s not enough just to tell your stories; while you do, you have to engage your audience. How are you going to be interesting in your stories? What’s the group going to hook up?

Keep it brief.: There is no set video marketing length (although recommendations are available), but the general rule is that shorter videos are better. With your writing, be ruthless. Cut, cut, cut all that’s different. There are small periods of time, so make the best of what you get.

Publish: Embedded in your website, posted to Google-owned YouTube, and all your social media channels, publish your videos far and wide. Then support, foster, foster.

Analyze: Track metrics and statistics to find out which videos are doing the best–and why.

The Benefits of Video Marketing

Video is a Gold Mine for SEO: It can increase your ranking of search engines, click-through rates, open rates, and conversions. But your target audience must be reached. YouTube is Google’s second-largest search engine. What’s best: Google owns YouTube. So that means you can work wonders for your SEO with a properly tagged photo.

Video Boosts Conversion Rates: A recent study found that after watching a video presentation of that product, 57 percent of online customers were more likely to buy a product they were considering buying.

Video is Easily Accessible: There are endless video marketing platforms available. You name it, YouTube, television broadcasting, video boards, and street marketing. There are endless possibilities. Consumers can access the online video at any time, anywhere with a smartphone. For traditional paper marketing, the same is not true. You can hit your audience in a cost-effective way with video.

Video is Effective: Studies show that retention rates for both seen and heard information are as high as 80%. For information that is seen, these numbers drop to 20 percent and only 10 percent for information that is heard. It’s easy to mix visual and audio.

Tips for Best Practice Video Marketing

what the ideal video length is for your platform :

  • Instagram: 30 seconds
  • Twitter: 45 seconds
  • Facebook: 1 minute
  • YouTube: 2 minutes

You’re going to want to ensure the best engagement and accessibility as well as boost your SEO by using autoplay captions and keeping the video silent when it’s on the landing page. Videos can be very powerful on landing pages, but only if viewers are not scared away. You’re also going to want to keep your mobile video across the board secure. Practice good SEO practices and always test your metrics to understand how your videos are doing. You may create and organize a standard library of different videos on YouTube and then integrate them into different content types such as blogs and emails.

Video is one of the world’s most popular forms of content, and the reality is that it is unlikely to go anywhere soon. And it makes sense: we crave contact and personality in an impersonal digital world. In a real-life sense, we want to see and hear people — it is important. Not only is video enjoyable, it’s one of the best ways to get close to your audience and give them a real snapshot of what you and your company or customers are doing. The aim here is to think beyond profit and product — to teach them something about your philosophy, or to share information about an interesting case, or to provide some valuable information.

Planning Your Video

  • Who’s your target audience? -customer persona are you looking for? This can be a part of the traditional buyer persona of your product.
  • What is the purpose? — Is it to raise awareness of the brand? Sell more tickets for the event? Starting a new product? After watching the video, what do you want your audience to do?
  • Where’s the video going to live? — On Facebook? Here is a sort of a landing page? Until repurposing it for other platforms, you should start with one target location — where you know your audience can discover the video.
  • When’s it due? — Start with a timeline at all times. A video you’ve got to work on for a couple of months will have a very different budget and creative scope in a couple of days.
  • What’s your budget?- Video can be costly, but if you set a budget, it doesn’t have to be… Do your research and set parameters for realism, particularly before answering the next question.
  • What are the criteria for creation? Think about the innovative roadblocks that may occur with your budget, expertise, and resources in mind. To build lower third graphics, do you need a designer? Can you make a live-action video or an animated video?



Digital marketing trends

CRAB is a full-service Digital Marketing Agency in Kochi that helps brands and businesses establish a convincing online presence.